Monday, December 23, 2013

Ellie Part II

There are so many pictures to share from yesterday, because I just can't  get enough of her cuteness.
*click on picture to enlarge.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Baby ELLIE :: NICU :: Riley Children's Hospital

There was a day when a baby was born.  A day that changed several lives!

Surgery on Ellie's diaphragm was 5 days ago.

 Ellie looks around for Mommy and Daddy when she hears their voice.
 The doctors just happened to come in while I was there taking pictures....
 They seem to be so happy with her progress.
And then the doctors told them something they never expect!....
 .. today was the day they would hold their baby girl, for the first time since the day she was born.
 They told her "they were never going to let her go."
 They told her how much they love her.

 Grandma was so excited that they were going to hold their baby!
 This was yet another, of many, happy moment.
 The comfort Ellie is feeling is so obvious!
 Drew was so excited.
 Safe in Daddy's arms.
The family!

Grandma and Pop seeing Drew holding her for the first time!